Club Med Turkoise Resort in Turks and Caicos: Your Ultimate Guide to Relaxation

foreign [Music] there's no place other than Turks and Cai...

there's no place other than Turks and
Caicos islands that gives you the bluest
water the ever golden sand and pleasant
weather all year round welcome back to
wonderfully lost your home for all
things travel today we're talking about
this Tropical Haven with award-winning
beaches and mouth-watering Cuisine
that'll leave you and your family in awe
let's dive into the Turks and Caicos
Islands where Paradise becomes a reality
number 11. the ease of direct flights we
The Ease of Direct Flights
all know the most dreaded part of going
on a vacation is the journey to get
there and it becomes more painful if you
have kids with you well the Turks and
Caicos Islands have got you sorted in
just under two hours you can zoom from
Miami to TCI making it an ideal family
vacation spot for parents seeking a
Caribbean getaway the only one that
won't test your or your family's
patience let's break it down even
further need a quick escape from the
hustle and bustle of New York City in a
mere two hours and 36 minutes you can
trade skyscrapers for stunning turquoise
Waters and if you're based in Miami it's
even easier a mere one hour and nine
minutes separates you from Paradise but
here's the real cherry on top no Visa
required for many countries if you're a
resident of the USA UK EU Canada or much
of the Caribbean you can Breeze through
the entry process without worrying about
Visa applications so why spend hours on
a cramped plane with Restless kids when
you can hop on a short flight to the
Turks and Caicos Islands number 10 world
World Famous Beaches
famous beaches talking about epic family
vacations there is one thing we cannot
deny the Turks and Caicos Islands
delivers Beachside Perfection like no
other first let's start with the crown
jewel of TCI beaches Grace Bay Beach
located on the enchanting island of
Providenciales this beach is more than
just a pretty face it's practically
legendary did you know Condon us to
traveler even declared Grace Bay Beach
as a creme de la Rim the top beach in
the entire world yes but while Grace Bay
Beach steals the spotlight the
archipelago boasts a treasure Trove of
secluded white sand beaches just waiting
for you to discover however for those
seeking an extraordinary Coastal
experience you can always head to middle
kaikos and immerse yourself in the
breathtaking beauty of mujin Harbor
number 9. hassle-free accommodation in
HassleFree Accommodation
most places finding sweets spacious
enough for families is like searching
for a mythical creature but the Turks
and Caicos Islands have cracked the code
and taken family-friendly accommodations
to a whole new level they have half a
dozen all Suite Hotels right on the
dazzling Grace Bay Beach these
beachfront Havens boast plenty of
bedrooms to fit even the largest of
families ensuring that everyone has
their own cozy space but that's not all
many of these hotels go the extra mile
by offering kids clubs where your little
ones can unleash their inner explorers
and make new friends the grounds of
these resorts are flat and
self-contained making it a a breeze for
your pint-size adventurers to safely
Roam and discover the Wonders around
them with direct flights from the US
these family-friendly beachfront hotels
turn the Turks and Caicos Islands into
the ultimate destination for an easy
Family Getaway number eight unlimited
Unlimited Water Activities
water activities it is no secret that
Turks and Caicos Islands are a Haven for
all things aquatic offering an abundance
of thrilling water sports from
snorkeling to kiteboarding paddle
boarding to parasailing Turks and Caicos
islands has got it all and then some
let's start with the fact that nearly
all horseback riding excursions here
include wading through the crystal clear
waters how cool is that TCI also has
water spots that cater to all skill
levels and interests ranging from paddle
boarding to jet skiing you will find
many activities perfect for beginners
which provide a fantastic way to explore
the vibrant Underwater World the choice
is yours number 7. Oceanic wonders now
Oceanic Wonders
here's a little secret about the
captivate lighting Waters of Turks and
Caicos Islands it's home to the second
largest Barrier Reef in the Atlantic as
you venture underwater prepare yourself
to encounter sea turtles gracefully
gliding by stingrays dancing in the
currents and colorful fish darting
through the corals and you can always
hop aboard on Turks and Caicos boat
tours for a personal encounter with
Marine wonders you will find everything
from playful bottlenose dolphins to
Majestic humpback whales just waiting
for you to explore number six underwater
Underwater Diving
diving diving is not just a popular
activity in the Turks and Caicos Islands
it's an integral part of their identity
and a compelling reason why this
destination is an epic family vacation
idea back in the 1970s it was diving
that first put the Turks and Caicos on
the map and to this day it remains one
of the best things you can experience
here so for a truly breathtaking diving
Adventure you have got Grand Turk where
you'll encounter the wall which is a
majestic vertical drop-off plunging over
seven thousand feet into the Abyss plus
another exceptional diving site awaits
at South kaikos where you'll discover
the remnants of a 1970s Colombian plane
now transformed into a mesmerizing Coral
Oasis if any of your family members is a
diving Enthusiast this place is a must
number 5. excellent weather all year
Excellent Weather All Year Round
round here's the Scoop our sun seeking
friends Turks and Caicos Islands enjoys
a blissful climate that'll have you
basking in warmth and soaking up vitamin
D no matter what time of the year rain
not a frequent visitor here instead
expect clear sunny skies that stretches
far as the eye can see while activity
availability and prices May fluctuate
throughout the seasons due to demand the
weather tends to be on your side all
year round so whether you choose to
visit during the summer or winter months
one thing is certain the Turks and
Caicos Islands will greet you with open
arms and skies that are almost always
blue number four no barriers and
No Barriers
effortless and seamless vacation
experience is a must for any any family
vacation plan and Turks and Caicos
Islands are just the destination for
that first let's talk about convenience
as a British overseas territory they
share a common language with our
visitors English no need to brush up on
your foreign language skills here
communication is a breeze and that's
just the beginning they have also made
sure to cater to your comfort by
adopting the US dollar as their official
currency say goodbye to currency
exchange headaches and hello to
hassle-free transactions throughout your
stay they've also got you covered with
U.S style outlets and voltages that
might sound trivial right now but we all
know how much of a trouble it is keeping
those electronic devices charged TCI
makes sure it feels that you are
vacationing right at home number three
Fine Dining
fine dining we all know what the food
situation is when going on a family
vacation no one seems to agree on just
one thing but with Turks and Caicos
Islands that's not an issue you have to
worry about it's a food lovers Paradise
first up on their flavor filled
itinerary is the Island's Pride and Joy
seafood from succulent conch to the
freshest local fish and lobster the
Turks and Caicos Islands are a Haven for
seafood enthusiasts whether you're a
conch connoisseur or a lobster lover
these Coastal Waters deliver a bounty
that will leave you craving for more and
let's not forget about the celebratory
drinks while the Caribbean is known for
its rum drinks the Turks and Caicos
Islands also have their very own brand
Bambara considered the spirit of the
Turks and Caicos Bambara is an
award-winning rum that encapsulates the
history and culture of the islands so
savor it on the rocks or indulge in
premium cocktails like the popular rum
punch the choice rests in your hands
number two immersive culture beyond the
Immersive Culture
breathtaking beaches and crystal clear
waters the Turks and Caicos islands are
steeped in a rich and diverse cultural
heritage that will Captivate your
family's imagination as you explore the
40 islands and caves that form Turks and
Caicos your uncover a fascinating blend
of influences from the Native Taino
people French and Spanish explorers and
let's not forget about the exhilarating
carnivals just like many other Caribbean
islands the Turks and Caicos embrace the
joyous Spirit of Carnival if you happen
to book your family vacation during a
carnival celebration it's an absolute
must-do experience the Turks and Caicos
Islands are not just a Tropical Paradise
but a vibrant Hub of cultural
exploration and a truly epic family
vacation idea number one outdoor
Outdoor Activities
activities while a stunning beaches of
Turks and Caicos often steal a spotlight
one may ask what about the people who
don't enjoy the beach well this island
holds a treasure Trove of Outdoor
Adventures for nature enthusiasts Beyond
The Turquoise Waters hiking enthusiasts
and outdoor photographers will find a
paradise awaiting them from the iconic
Rock iguanas to the world's smallest
boas Turks and Caicos is loaded with
unique and endemic species plus each
island offers distinct experience that
will leave you in awe but if you're
looking for an exclusive and secluded
experience we have got options here as
well ambergris K Pine K or parrot k your
pick and these Private Island Retreats
offer utmost privacy boutique hotels and
unparalleled service ensuring a
luxurious Escape into nature thanks for
watching hey are you a Wanderer yet if
not head on over to our travel blog at

Welcome back to Wanderfully Lost— a travel community for parents, by parents!

As much as we adore our children, sometimes, even the best parents need to catch a break.

And there’s no place more perfect to catch a break in than the Club Med Turkoise Resort in Turks and Caicos!

Nestled along the glistening white shore of Grace Bay Beach, Club Med Turkoise is the poster image of what a good time looks like.

Return to the original Top 4 Turks and Caicos Adults Only Resorts here!

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Prepping for a Great Time

As parents with a taste for all things travel — you can read more about our journey here! — we’re always on the lookout for ways to minimize the hassle of vacationing abroad.

And let’s face it.

As joyous as the feeling of exploring new places is, traveling is rarely without its problems.

You could either forget to pack a swimsuit or have no idea what to do on your vacation since you didn’t plan an itinerary.

In these instances, what you end up giving up on is your relaxation and peace of mind.

At Wanderfully Lost, we’re all for minimizing hassle. With its azure beaches, and tranquil sunsets, Turks and Caicos deserves to be appreciated without any worries on your mind.

Keeping that in mind, here are some extremely useful tips to help you prepare for your Turks and Caicos vacation!

  • Don’t travel on the weekends: As a general rule of thumb, try to avoid airports on the weekends. The Providenciales International Airport on Turks and Caicos Island is understaffed and ill-equipped to deal with the influx of visitors on the weekend. Needless to say, the waiting hours are long, and by the time you arrive at the Club Med Turkoise Resort, you’ll feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Skip the weekends, and book your flight on a weekday instead. You’ll be thanking yourselves later on!
  • Pack light! Turks and Caicos is a place made for wandering. With scenic sunrises and sunsets, you’ll want to spend as much of your time as you can outside in nature. But you’ll have to make sure that you’ve packed the right clothes to help you meander in the sun all day.

Another common mistake that travelers often make is that they overpack.

There’s nothing worse than overpacking. Generally, try to pack less than usual. If you need help, you can always check out our travel kits here!

  • Do your research before leaving: The golden rule for traveling to a destination that you’ve never been to before is to research as much as you can!

This goes without saying, but before booking your flight to Turks and Caicos, take a deep breath, and start digging up as much information as you can. Learn about the topography of the islands, and find out resorts that are within your budget. In Turks and Caicos, many destinations aren’t as popular with tourists, but they’re still magnificent.

Find out where these hidden gems are located, and try to book at a resort near them!

And hey, if you need a place to start your research, you can always check out our YouTube video here!

The Club Med Turkoise Resort: Pros, Cons, and Everything in Between!

Now that we’ve got all our tips for a great vacation out of the way, let’s dive deep into the Club Med Turkoise Resort!

We’ll be looking at everything that the resort has to offer, from excursions to restaurants and bars. So if you’re planning the perfect Turks and Caicos vacation for two—make sure to take some notes!

The Club Med Turkoise Resort: A General Overview

The Club Med Turkoise is a tropical paradise

Now if we were talking about some other resort, we’d say that the phrase ‘tropical paradise’ was a mere exaggeration.

Trust us—Club Med Turkoise is worthy of such exaggeration.

Perched atop Grace Bay Beach, a thousand sun-kissed adventures await you at this lively all-inclusive resort!

The first resort to be built in Providenciales in 1984, Club Med Turkoise might have a few wrinkles on the surface, but take our word for it, it’s got a long history that more than makes up for it.

While it doesn’t boast a fancy 5-star label on Google, you get the unique chance to relish in the history of the Turks and Caicos islands here.

And that’s not all.

Renovated recently, Club Med Turkoise now offers amenities that stand on an equal footing with the more modern resorts on the island. As the only adults-only resort on the island, Club Med Turkoise is your one-stop ticket to tranquility.

If you’re on the lookout for a resort that offers privacy, luxury, and a dazzling array of amenities and entertainment options, look no further!


At the Club Med Turkoise, you’re not just signing up for a vacation. You’re signing up for an experience, filled with turquoise waters, endless sunshine, and access to relaxation that you won’t find anywhere else on Earth.

As such, half of the beauty of the Club Med Turkoise resort resides in its location.

Picture this.

You land at the airport, and within a mere 15-minute drive, you’re transported to paradise.

Excuse the pun, but this ease of convenience is almost as sweet as the tropical breeze ruffling through your hair!

If you want to elevate your vacation to the next level, we suggest booking a rental car. This way, you’d be able to explore the beauty of the island at your leisure.

But hey, if you prefer to keep it easy-breezy, there’s a shuttle waiting to whisk you away from the airport. It’s definitely a budget-friendly choice, but do keep in mind that it’s not included in your all-inclusive package.

Amenities and Features

One of the reasons why we love Club Med Turkoise so much is the sheer number of amenities that they offer.

Even the best of all vacations tend to reach a point where things mellow down, and you end up feeling a tad bored.

Well, at the Club Med Turkoise, you can kiss your boredom goodbye.

This vibrant resort knows how to throw a party, keep you active, and spoil you with entertainment options

From thrilling water sports to laid-back lounging by the pool, there’s never a dull moment. Because let’s face it when you choose Club Med, you’re not just booking a room; you’re signing up for a whirlwind of fun and excitement!

The check-in process is efficient and streamlined. And once you’ve settled into your room, it’s up to you to decide how you want to spend your day.

You can just lounge around in bed and feel the gentle sun tingle your skin. Or you can take your pick from the host of activities available at the resort.

From snorkeling adventures to leisurely paddle boat rides, energizing Yoga sessions, and even dance lessons that’ll have you moving and grooving—Club Med Turkoise truly has it all!

Given how humongous the resort is, the size of the gym is relatively small, but you can easily get through your daily workout here.

If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush, however, make sure to book yourself for some snorkeling!

Food and Drink

When you book the all-inclusive package at Club Med Turkoise, you get access to a bunch of dining options.

The all-inclusive package includes everything that your heart can desire: mouthwatering meals, unlimited access to resort amenities, and a stocked mini-bar that’s practically a magic cupboard, along with the luxury of room service.

While the resort offers a limited selection of dining spots, don’t let that fool you.

Sometimes, less is more, especially when it comes to consistency and quality.

At the heart of Club Med Turkoise’s culinary scene is the Grace Bay Restaurant, where you can grab breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Here you’ll find everything your tastebuds crave, from fresh seafood delicacies to sizzling steaks and delectable local treats like conch ceviche and lobster. This is where your research will come in handy since the Turks and Caicos islands don’t have a consistent supply of seafood. Lobsters and conch are only available during specific months, so try to visit Club Med Turkoise somewhere around April and May for the best culinary experience!

The other restaurant on-site is the Sharkies Grill & Beach Bar.

With food served all day and night, this restaurant is your go-to spot for a quick, satisfying bite.

As the sun dips below the horizon, make sure you’ve got a refreshing cocktail in your hand, and the sound of waves as your background music.

For those who like to get a bit more tipsy, the Sharkies’ happy hour magic is just the thing! Keep in mind that you’d have to pay more for premium drinks since those are not included in the all-inclusive package.

Our Consensus

If you’re looking for an adults-only all-inclusive experience in the mesmerizing backdrop of Turks and Caicos without breaking the bank, Club Med Turkoise fits the bill perfectly.

For the sake of setting the record straight, however, let’s get one thing clear. If you’re looking for a truly luxurious and elevated experience, you might want to look elsewhere.

But for us, the pros of Club Med Turkoise outweigh the cons!

So get packing, and we hope you enjoy your time in Turks and Caicos!

Planning a family beach vacation? Make it a breeze with our carefully curated Family Beach Travel Essentials Kit. We’ve put together a list of must-have items to ensure your trip is stress-free and enjoyable. Check out our kit to make your beach getaway memorable!

Plus, for added sun protection and beach comfort, don’t forget to explore our top picks for beach tents. Your family’s safety and relaxation are our priority. Discover the ‘TOP 5 BEACH TENTS FOR SUN PROTECTION AND COMFORT

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